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In 1919 the village was given an old army hut which was used as a village hall until the current hall was built in the late 1960’s. Some excellent fundraising, generous donations and a grant from the Norfolk Education Committee, ensured that the land could be purchased from Mr Raker and the new hall was opened on April 19th 1969. Subsequent improvements have recently been made to the kitchens and toilets from a grant by Keystone Trust also enabling improved disabled access and use.

The Committee are as follows:

Chair - Sharron Rushbrook

Vice Chair - Jules Challenor

Minutes Secretary - Vacant -please mail if interested in this role

Vice Secretary - Vacant - please mail if interested in this role

Treasurer - Julie Brown

Caretaker - Vacant

Bookings Agent: 'Temporarily' Sharron Rushbrook, please contact us at if interested in joining us and taking on this                                        role


                                Mrs Jan Adgie

                                Mrs Sharron Ford

                                 Mr Bryan Lightbody



Community Lunch Club - 2nd Monday of each Month 12.30pm.Home cooked meals in the village hall. For more information or to book a place contact Irene Meadows on 01953 498558.

Wagging Tails Dog Training - Monday nights 6.30pm onwards. For more information contact Vera Marney on 01953 681265 or 07804 831394 Courses start regularly throughout the year.


Pilates - Courses are 10 - 11am Tuesday mornings. For more information contact Ann Leaney on 07717 883419.

Horsehair and Hessian Upholstery - Classes on Wednesdays 10am - 2pm. Courses run regularly. Contact hannah@horsehairand for details.

Tai Chi - Every Friday 1:30pm - 2:30pm. For more information contact Gary Brighton on 01842 763156 or


Board Games afternoon - one afternoon a month, join us for a board game, a puzzle or a chat. See the Diary for dates and times.. 


Wretham Parish Council - meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm. More details can be found at Or see our Diary for dates of meetings.

© Updated 08/02/2025

Site was created & is updated by Joy Townsend

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